Meet the Pursleys.

The story that lies behind the images, however, is one that is not so simple. You see, Liam is the Pursley's 2nd child; their 2nd son.
He has a big brother named Robert William.
The Pursleys were excitedly expecting their first baby almost 2 years ago. Then in December 2011 at 16 weeks pregnant, tragedy struck. Jamie's uterus ruptured, and emergency surgery was performed to save her life. After 4 blood transfusions and multiple attempts to repair her uterus, Jamie emerged alive. Robert William, however, lost his life. The heartbreaking news was given that Jamie wouldn't be able to carry another baby. "After many prayers and sleepless nights, the answer came to Jake: an organization to help them raise the money to start their family, and to help other couples experiencing the same heartbreaking loss. The organization would be named after their beloved son, Robert William. And so, the Robert William Foundation was born."
On Christmas Eve, 2012, Jamie's cousin, Kristen, approached the couple and offered an amazing gift: to carry a child as a gestational carrier. Plans were made and a date was set for the embryo transfer. 1 tiny embryo began to grow and develop. That was Liam...
An induction was scheduled for April 3rd ( Liam was getting to be a big boy! ) and Jake and Jamie were moments from becoming parents.
Liam was born into his mother's hands on April 3rd, 2013, weighing 8 lbs., 5 oz and measuring 21.5 inches long. Jamie and Jake took Liam to bond and have some time to get to know him, and Jamie got to try nursing for the first time ( she was able to successfully induce lactation for Liam ).
The Pursleys have been blessed with another son and are smitten with him (and what's not to love? Check out those CHEEKS!) While their journey to parenthood may be over, their journey to help others like them is unfinished. Jamie and Jake have a passion to help create families and bring joy to those who are struggling with infertility.
So there you have it: a glowing mother, a protective father...
... and a baby who is a symbol of hope and determination to all who are (like the Pursleys were) waiting for a miracle.